
The End of the Evolutionary Theory

Why we can only observe chromosome loss - not increase in chromosome numbers?

We can pick and study any evolutionary tree of any diploid organism and make an obvious observation: Chromosomes are typically lost when so-called speciation occurs. Lets's have an example, the Fox lineage:

Bat-eared fox 72 chromosomes
Gray Fox 66 chromosomes
Fennec Fox 64 chromosomes
Bengal Fox 60 chromosomes
Kit Fox 50 chromosomes
Tibetan sand fox 36 chromosomes
Red Fox 34 chromosomes

And here's the phyloge
netic tree of the Foxes and their assumed 'evolution':

Have you ever asked the most important question: 
Why we can only observe chromosome loss but not increase in chromosome numbers?

The reason for chromosome loss can be found in epigenetic factors. Here's a brief summary.

1. Poor diet, stress and other environmental factors alter the epigenetic layers. Aberrant methylation patterns trigger sequence changes. You can read about the connection between oxidative stress and deamination from several sources, for example from here:


2. Sequence changes typically cause SNPs, single nucleotide polymorphism. For example, there are about a million SNPs, useless genetic errors in the human DNA. These alterations are genetic errors but due to other mechanisms, like overriding microRNAs, all of them are not crucial or harmful errors. When there are a lot of faulty genes, the cellular mechanisms start to hide and suppress these erroneous genes by methylating histones. This can be observed as chromatin remodeling and packaging.


3. Strongly packaged (silenced) regions of chromatin are called heterochromatin. Regions at open state are not having faulty genes and these areas are called euchromatin.

4. During meiosis, the clever cellular mechanisms try to make new chromosomal recombinations using euchromatins, because these regions have no errors. Heterochromatins are dropped out. The final result is loss of genetic information and loss of chromosomes.

Keywords: heterochromatin chromosome loss

For the theory of evolution this phenomenon is a very inconvenient fact. That's why they have invented another term: a chromosome fusion. But that is false science. The correct and approvable term is chromosomal recombination due to loss of biological information.

These mechanisms explain the following observations:

- Speciation is not evolution. It happens after significant loss of biological information that causes barriers for reproductive mechanisms. 
- Some people have already lost a pair of chromosomes.
Keywords: chinese man 44 chromosomes
- Increase of biological information has never been observed.

There are no mechanisms for evolution. Conclusions are obvious:

Organisms are designed and created by God. Don't get lost.